In these times of tight budgets, staffing costs, storage and stocking levels, why not let us take care of all your packing needs and let us complete your trays in our controlled facilities. We can pack complete meals to go in your required formats for the travel sector as well as all other occasions with our quality wraps, sandwiches, cookies, desserts, beverage and ancillary items and then flow wrap ready to be served. We offer a service that allows your freshly manufactured product to be handled as little as possible through the complete supply chain.
We will take your tray, bag or box and complete it in our controlled facility then deliver it on a daily basis flow wrapped, date marked & branded to your design. We pack numerous quality boxed meals for ambient, chilled or frozen snacks, main and special meals in specially developed and branded carriers. Let us take away the headaches and reduce your operational costs.
Why take time to procure all of those individual lines for your tray-set from salads to desserts to bread rolls to sugar sticks to milk jiggers, etc. etc.? When we can pack complete meals to go for the travel sector as well as all occasions with quality wraps, sandwiches, cookies, desserts, beverage and ancillary items and flow wrap ready to be served. We offer a service that allows your freshly manufactured product to be handled as little as possible through the complete supply chain. We will take your tray/box/bag and complete it in our controlled facility then deliver it on a daily basis flow wrapped, date marked & branded. We pack numerous quality boxed meals for ambient, chilled or frozen snacks, main and special meals in specially developed and branded carriers.